Jason Prall, Director/Writer/Producer of The Human Longevity Project

WATCH THE FILM FREE FROM MAY 8 - MAY 17, 2108     https://humanlongevityfilm.com/

The Human Longevity Project is a 9-part documentary film series that will take viewers on an exciting journey around the globe, on a mission to discover the secrets of the longest-lived and healthiest populations on Earth. Filmed over 2 years, in over 50 locations, in 9 countries, on 3 continents, this film will uncover the key lifestyle, environmental, and physiological components to avoid chronic disease, increase health span, and put the brakes on aging in our modern world. Featuring interviews from premier scientists, physicians, healers, and health experts – along with real-world footage from around the globe, we examined the daily routines and lifestyle practices that range from preconception to geriatrics, with much more observational and scientific scrutiny than ever before.

Jason Prall is a Longevity and Optimal Health Practitioner who works remotely with individuals around world to provide solutions for those struggling with weight loss or suffering from complex health issues that their doctors have been unable to resolve. As a nationally-recognized speaker and host of the You, Optimized. Radio show, he’s been able to share his unique and innovative approach with a global audience, which has facilitated the transformation of thousands of lives with simple, practical, and powerful solutions to combat chronic health conditions and drastically improve quality of life.
