The sequoia practice

A 9-Week Cultivation of Deep, Inner Connection

Feel a Palpable, Inner Connection that is Ever-Present and Always Accessible

Side Effects include:

Dynamic Stress Resilience

Increased Focus and Attention Control

Improved Emotional Regulation

On-Demand Ease

Deeper Sleep

Groups are intentionally kept small so don’t miss your spot in the next group!


What Current Participants are Saying

“I felt that this is the longest sit I have ever done.  My mind was all over the place — thinking about the plan for the day. In the middle I have to check the player to make sure that you still with me. It’s very interesting to know how little control I have over my mind.  I heard the phrase before — our mind is like a monkey. Now I agree.  

Thank you for the guidance. I am glade that I started this journey with you!”

- H.Y.

“Thank you, Jonathan, for an insightful (webinar) call! I'm realizing I am going to start doing these meditations coming from a newbie pov rather than allowing my journey, coaching, meditation, whatever personal growth knowledge, to co-mingle because that's what I was doing. ;-)

This (webinar)call really helped me be aware of that.”

- M.K.

“This morning I tried sitting in a chair with a back and what a difference! I realize how much I adjust my posture throughout the practice and what a distraction that is. I chose my old seat because it was adorable 🙄 but realize that it is not actually a “comfortable seated position.” All these years!!! Ha! I feel like such a donkey, but I am so excited for my future meditations now.”


“Appreciate ya'll. Its super duper encouraging to hear everyone's experiences thus far and helps me process my own emotions about the journey. Love all around.”


“Another subtle observation, my mind is most quiet w the afternoon appreciation meditation, I think because it’s emotion based. This morning I was having trouble keeping my mind from running through my to do list even though we had the counting and breathing to occupy us. I layered in a heart-lock on top of the counting and that helped a lot.”
